Free Phone Numbers


We have provided business TELECOM SOLUTIONS for over 25 years

We specialise in providing Alpha Dial numbers, Memorable Dial numbers & Non-Geographic Numbers

0800, 0844, 0845, 0871 and International Numbers including Broadband lines and Cloud Based PBX lines

With our dynamic routing service and carrier pre-selection, we ensure you get the most out of your numbers

With our platform, you’ll save time when you need it most, it’s the fastest way to meet your customers’ needs


Whether you are a large corporation looking for a specialised telecom service or a small business looking to enhance your company by using the latest technology, UK Freephone can provide a complete business solution.

0800 numbers will enhance your company profile and brand image and as its a free call for your customers it will increase the response to any campaign.

0845/0844 numbers will give your business a local presence providing a element of comfort for your customers.  Callers pay the cost of a local call no matter where you are in the country.  Easy to locate and manage

UK Freephone Agent




  • As we have over 25 years of experience there have been many technological changes and we keep pace with the changes to provide the best solution

  • Service is tailored to your needs and provided with clear and concise terms and references without too much technical jargon

  • We can provide many Telecoms options for your business to help it function more efficiently and increase customer engagement

  • Our rates are competitive and the service is good value for money

  • Speak to us before taking the final decisions on your Telecommunication requirements

  • We can help by arranging a few minutes discussion with no-obligation


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